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boring life updates

Posted: Sun May 23, 2021 5:54 pm
by soj
talk about things that nobody except your mom cares about (your dad makes an effort but it's clear he only half-listens). did you just get a promotion at work and feel like you probably don't actually deserve it? did you recently decide to go veg but already failed? have you started an etsy shop and people are actually buying things? did you start volunteering somewhere and feel pretty good about yourself? this is distinct from ramdom thoughts because these are meant to be boring and not insightful or funny at all.

Re: boring life updates

Posted: Tue May 25, 2021 12:46 am
by rjbman
i am volunteering for a local petition group that is trying to remove the stupid ass occupancy laws (3 unrelated people no matter the size) and replace it with an extremely moderate 1 per bedroom + 1 person, and while i have never seen such fucking vitriol from entitled old people who think they are the only ones who should get to live here, i am very thrilled that we have collected enough signatures to get on the ballot in the fall