i played a hoenn-based pokemon game for the first time recently (oras) which is notable for being the only region with two (!) [redacted]. what's more, you can do tricks on one of the [redacted], leading me to believe it is a fixie:
please accept my thoughts/trivia on the [redacted] in the pokemon games below:
gen 1 (kanto): the og game set the precedent on many aspects of the game for all future generations to come, the [redacted] being no exception. you receive the [redacted] as part of the plot partway through the campaign, late enough to really appreciate it after having to walk everywhere but early enough to actually use it for real. there is also a [redacted] road, populated by gang-like trainers with motorcycles in their sprites, which really confused me. the player character clearly pedals while on the [redacted], so it is not a motorcycle; yet why are [redacted] and bikers grouped together for [redacted] road?
anyway, the [redacted] is the source of many glitches in gen 1 (for example, you can go on [redacted] road without a [redacted] as long as you try to enter enough times). as far as i know, the most important one is the triggering of "instant text", which sparked a huge debate and controversy in speedrunning circles at the time -- namely: was it a glitch (and thus disallowed in glitchless speedruns) to simply make text appear faster on the screen?
gen 2 (johto/kanto): not much to say here, except that a key item can be registered (a new feature!) which in practice was usually the bicycle. no more opening the bag and selecting the [redacted] every time you want to mount or dismount. while convenient for the player, it removed a sizeable amount of skill from the aforementioned speedruns, since "menuing" to mount the [redacted] was no longer required.
gen 3 (hoenn/kanto): i actually have never played any gen 3 game -- but hoenn introduced both the mach [redacted] and acro [redacted] in this region, along with puzzles to match. given my dire inability to play any reaction/time-sensitive type of game, it looks like a total nightmare. certain puzzles/mini-games involved precise movement on the [redacted] in a specific route without pauses, or else the floor would crack and you'd have to start over again. additionally, some areas were only accessible using one [redacted] but not the other; constituting an annoying need to go to a specific location to switch your [redacted] over and over again if you wanted to exhaustively explore the region. on the other hand... i cannot tell you how satisfying that BOING sound effect of bunny hopping is.
this region is also the first one in which [redacted] road is populated by [redacted] rather than motorcyclists -- a change that would persist in future games. well, to avoid starting a tribal war, they're actually triathletes... which makes little sense because hoenn's [redacted] road is not simply a straight shot (like in kanto) but actually involves a few turns, while it's common knowledge that triathletes don't know how to do anything but ride in a straight line while maintaining aero posture. what's doubling confusing about this choice is that there is actually a cornering mini-game on this [redacted] road, where you are rated at the end based on how fast you traverse the road as well as how many collisions you had.
gen 4 (sinnoh/johto/kanto): this gen removed the two types of [redacted] (the divergent [redacted] would never return in the game) but instead added the ability to shift gears (!) on a single [redacted], which would change your speed of riding. the region featured a bunch of accompanying overworld puzzles involving ramps. as someone who decidedly Does Not Even Shift, Bro in real life, i enjoyed the escapism of being someone who does shift in a pixel jrpg.
the population on [redacted] road has been appropriately replaced by [redacted], but vexingly the cornering mini-game has been removed. a really unhappy failure of co-ordination between the two gens that broke my immersion. however, you are given a sweet yellow [redacted] flag in this game.
gen 5 (unova): the first generation without a [redacted] road, but you can still find [redacted] on normal roads. i am confused by this implication -- does that mean in unova ONLY, pedestrians and [redacted] share the the road, while in all other regions [redacted] are relegated to only [redacted] road?
if i am not mistaken, this gen is the only one where the [redacted] trainers actually move around on their [redacted] in the overworld. while it may be tempting to race them, for some reason they always travel at the exact same speed as the player character.
gen 6 (kalos/hoenn): this gen introduced free-form movement (compared to 4-directional d-pad movement from previous gens). while quite amazing to ride tight circles in the [redacted], they do seem implausibly tight. is our player character just really good at [redacted] technique because they're french?
the elephant in the room is of course the roller skates, which you receive earlier on in the game as a middle ground for fast movement before you are deemed worthy for the [redacted]. the roller skates are cool -- you can do various tricks on them and it also introduces a new roller-skating trainer class -- but they come at the cost of the [redacted] trainer class, which has been removed. i also personally found the roller skates extremely finnicky and preferred the [redacted] in most instances. while there is no [redacted] road or [redacted] trainer class, there IS a road race (pseudo-tdf i assume) which you hear of but do not witness. you can go ride on the race route yourself though if you want. the winner was the town's gym leader who confusingly has a rock climbing themed gym.
gen 7-8 (alola/galar): i have not played these games and know very little about them, but i think in galar at some point your [redacted] gets upgraded to a hover-craft type vehicle which you can ride over water.
frannyglass wrote:in the original games, without the voucher a [redacted] costs more money than you're able to carry.... something to unpack there i think
Last edited by titkitten on Thu Jun 17, 2021 3:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
titkitten wrote: ↑Thu Jun 17, 2021 2:09 pm
[*] gen 7-8 (alola/galar): i have not played these games and know very little about them, but i think in galar at some point your [redacted] gets upgraded to a hover-craft type vehicle which you can ride over water.
I believe you basically get some water wing attachments that inflate on your [redacted]. I assume the time spent huffing & puffing into them is redacted from the game for gameplay purposes.
~*~ cut my life into pieces, this is my last resort ~*~
Trench Witch wrote: ↑Thu Jun 17, 2021 3:32 pm
I HATE when [redacted] ride in the road and hold up traffic... Get on the sidewalk this isn't the tour de france
ill take the fuckin lane... then ill take the one next to it. i'm stealin all ur lanes.
chck your house. its my house now. check your computer. it's in base 2. all your base are belong to us
~*~ cut my life into pieces, this is my last resort ~*~
been doing a few s24o's just north of SF. This is from a 120ish miler out to Dillon's beach
Also, earlier this year I did a really stupid ride. Century ride 50% dirt 50% road with 10k ft of elevation gain on a step through ))) https://www.strava.com/activities/5112156639
does anyone race cross? will go on for ages about it but the tl;dr is cross is the best (racing) discipline by far
first race and it was so wonderful racing again after a year off last year. i suck at cornering & off camber stuff. my buddy brought a grill & fried up a bunch of food and it was heaven-sent.
~*~ cut my life into pieces, this is my last resort ~*~
rjbman wrote: ↑Sun Sep 19, 2021 4:52 pm
does anyone race cross? will go on for ages about it but the tl;dr is cross is the best (racing) discipline by far
seriously folks cannot overstate how wonderful this can be. these are literally the best (mens) racers in the US looking like absolute amateurs
~*~ cut my life into pieces, this is my last resort ~*~