bici mundo

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Re: bici mundo

Post by ramdomthought »

anyone use those garmin radars? wondering if they're actually effective indicators that something is coming or if they're junk before i buy one
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Re: bici mundo

Post by Bleeker »

Over the weekend I cycled across that Mecca known as The Netherlands. From entering the country out of Germany (itself not bad) an immediate change was perceptible. Paths became wider, more protected, much smoother. It was smooth sailing except for a nice headwind the whole way until we reached the outer orbit of Amsterdam, where the satellite villages' brick paved streets shook up my panniers and woke us up to the fact that the entire country was not, in fact, just a huge park.
The ride was a great lesson on how the much-idealized traffic planning of The Netherlands is, and how it could be in a lot of other countries. It's definitely worth a visit, as it's quite the (kin)aesthetic pleasure to roll through.
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Re: bici mundo

Post by rjbman »

beyond fucking irate at the fucking bigots at UCI / USA [redacted]. for those not in the know: friday they announced that trans women are no longer allowed to compete, on the basis of ???? even though they were previously allowed provided they were meeting hormone levels for a certain amount of time. no science has changed, but now the onus is on trans women to somehow prove they don't have any advantages

gutted for austin killips, a trans woman who works her fucking ass off training a fuckton in order to be competitive at the highest level of the sport, and whose success is likely the sole cause for this shitty policy ... uci-ruling
I've always known that this project would end and have to take on a different shape. Sport at the highest levels is a fleeting pursuit. Some of us choose where that end point is and for others it's imposed by circumstance. It can kill, maim, and ruin you mentally. It has taken friends of mine and the awareness that every race or training day could be my last is something that has shaped my relationship to sport. That haunting spectre is why I chased perfection in every training block with a neurotic level of compliance and told my friends and competitors I love and care about them at every opportunity. I know that I gave my all to this pursuit, nearly every waking moment and dollar was poured into attaining a level that many never get to. I don't take that I was given the ability to do that for granted.

When every bit of success you have is marred with controversy you have to develop a real love of the game. It’s a constant reminder that sport isn’t solely about outcomes but the process and if I can’t relish in the process something has to change. It's common for detractors to doubt that I simply trained harder than some other people but the reality is that I worked my ass off under more precarious and emotionally taxing conditions than many. I’ve had my teeth kicked in racing in Europe and knew the level I was chasing required sacrificing a normal life. I take great pride in my work ethic and approach to training, anyone who knows me well saw a meticulous orienting of my life around finding the limit of my capacity and potential. A lot of people don't want to be broke, hounded by debt collectors, and crashing in the trailers of people they've barely met while doing 40+ hour weeks on the [redacted] and in the gym. I didn't think twice about it because all I cared about was making the absolute most of the narrow window of opportunity this universe gave me.

I expected to feel more defeated in the wake of this but I keep coming back to how much joy I've found in [redacted]. The gratitude I feel when I reflect on my experiences is so overwhelming. Nothing can take away the friendships it has given me and the moments I’ve shared with so many people that I love dearly. I have a lifetime worth of stories and memories to cherish and because of that I remain eager to again give everything I have to whatever I pursue next. A disappointing end isn’t enough to dissuade me from remembering and believing that I find happiness through these all consuming projects.

I guess what complicates all of this is the sense that it is fallout from something I did. Surely if it wasn’t me someone else would have become the scapegoat but the unfortunate matter is that I’m one of the figures that pushed the limits of inclusion for this particular moment and a cabal of right wingers who want nothing but the worst for the world were able to successfully weaponize it. Ten years earlier or ten years down the road who’s to say what happens. But circumstance is such that I am close to the center of a fight that is much bigger than me or any of my previous aspirations. I hope to right the injustice that has been incurred in response to my success in the sport. Other people fought tirelessly to make the last several years of my life possible, it would be unconscionable to not agitate for the next person who wants to give their all to racing [redacted]. We have to fight for what is right knowing that it’s for the good of others and not our own lots in life. I do not need to line up at a World Cup again but I won’t be able to sleep at night if I’m not fighting for the next woman who deserves a shot at everything this sport has given me.

I thought my project was to be the best [redacted] racer I could be but I’m making peace with it evolving into a shape I never expected. We don’t get to choose where these things take us and that’s okay.
~*~ cut my life into pieces, this is my last resort ~*~
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Re: bici mundo

Post by skunk ape »

posting this pic because i think it is fun

(credit kevin jarrett, TwoZeroDeltaThree on instagram)

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